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A diagram of dental implant at Periodontal Associates. Dental implants are a highly effective solution for lost teeth. Crowns mimic natural teeth in their form and function and titanium posts bond with and stimulate your jaw bone, allowing the Dental Implants to act just like a natural tooth would.

Unfortunately, implants can occasionally fail, and if this happens we will need you to come in so we can repair or replace them.

The Structure of an Implant

Most dental implants are made of a titanium post that is embedded in the jaw bone, a ceramic crown that acts as a replacement tooth and an abutment that connects the post and the crown. If one of these parts loosens or breaks, all three can become compromised.

Titanium is usually chosen for implants because it bonds with the jaw bone in a process known as osseointegration. If this process doesn't occur properly then you'll end up with an implant that isn't firmly in place. This will lead to problems later on.

Signs that an Implant May Fail

If the bone doesn't grow around the implant in the right way, mobility is often the primary signal that the implant may fail. This mobility is often very slight at first and usually only a dentist can see it, but as time goes on an implant that hasn't integrated properly can shift when you chew or speak. Implants that have failed completely with frequently.

Other warnings signs of impending failure include pain, inflammation, and infection, but these do not always occur. If Dr. Eshraghi notices that your implant is moving, he may conduct an x-ray to make sure the bone is growing. If the implant is failing, the x-ray may reveal considerable bone loss around the metal area.

Repair and Replacement

In cases where the implant crown becomes cracked or detached, it is an easy matter for us to attach a new, or make any other repairs if necessary. However, if the damage to the implant is too severe, we will need to remove and replace it.

It is easy for us to remove a failed dental implant, but we will need to use a local anesthetic for this procedure. Once the implant is removed Dr. Eshraghi will carefully clean the area. Then we can begin the process of inserting a new implant, making careful note of what went wrong the first time. If there is enough healthy bone in the same area, we won't need a bone graft.

However, in cases of significant bone loss, we may need to place a bone graft to improve the site of the removed implant before placing a new one. Once the bone graft is complete, your mouth may need several months to heal before we can put in a new implant. During the healing period, Dr. Eshraghi may ask you to quit smoking, postpone cancer treatment or make other lifestyle adjustments that will reduce the risk of the next implant failing as well.

Always remember to take good care of your implants by brushing and flossing daily. Also take care to eat a balanced diet and abstain from using your teeth as tools, as this can chip them. If you experience any problems with your Dental Implants, contact us right away.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please give us a call at (971) 317-8414.
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Home For Doctors Publications



Role of Cone-Beam Computed Tomography in the Management of Periodontal Disease.
Eshraghi VT, Malloy KA, Tahmasbi M. Dent J (Basel). 2019 Jun 1;7(2).

Eshraghi V, McAllister B: Clinical Applications of a Stem Cell Based Therapy for Oral Bone Reconstruction (2018) Editors: Huang, L’Heureux, Li; World Scientific, Engineering Stem Cells For Tissue Engineering.

McAllister B, Haghighat K: Clinical Applications of a Stem Cell Based Therapy for Oral Bone Reconstruction (2011) Editors: L’Heureux, Li and Elisseeff, Stem Cells and Tissue Engineering.

McAllister B: Management of Implant Complications By the Experts (2010) Editor Froum, Implant Complications.

McAllister B: Alveolar Bone Distraction for Vertical Ridge Augmentation Utilizing the ACE Osteogenic Distractor (2001) Editors: Cope, Samchukov and Cherkashin, Craniofacial Distraction Osteogenesis.


Levin, McAllister, et al: A non-interventional study on implant success and survival rates at one-year post-loading of the Straumann Bone Level Tapered Implant in private practice: the multicenter US study (2019) in press

Mills, Rosen, Chambrone, Greenwell, Kai, Klokkevold, McAllister, Reynolds, Romanos, Wang. American Academy of Periodontology best evidence consensus statement on the efficacy of laser therapy used alone or as an adjunct to non-surgical and surgical treatment of periodontitis and peri-implant diseases.. Journal of Periodontology (2018)89: 737-742

Use of Soft-Tissue and Bone Grafting to Treat Complex Recession With Root Prominence and Buccal Plate Deficiencies.
McAllister BS, Eshraghi VT, Malloy KA. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2018 Sep;39(8):564-569.

Eshraghi, McAllister. Clinical Applications of a Stem Cell-Based Therapy For Oral Bone Reconstruction. Worlds Scientific (2018)12:293-320

Mandelaris, Scheyer, Evans, Kim, McAllister, Nevins, Rios, Sarment. American Academy of Periodontology’s Best Evidence Consesnsus Statement on Selected Oral Applications for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography. Journal of Perio (2017)88:939-945

Commentary: Cone-Beam Computed Tomography: An Essential Technology for Management of Complex Periodontal and Implant Cases.
McAllister BS, Eshraghi VT.
J Periodontol. 2017 Oct;88(10):937-938. doi: 10.1902/jop.2017.1710001.

McAllister, Eshraghi, Rios. A Review of the AAP’s best evidence consensus on. The Use of CBCT in the Management of the Patient Requiring Dental Implants. Implant Practice (2017)V10 N5:30-34

Malloy, Wadhwani, McAllister, Wang, Katancik. Accuracy and Reproducibiity of Radiographic Images for Assessing Crestal Bone Height of Implants Using the Precision Implant X-ray Locator (PIXRL) Device. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (2017)32:1-7.

Levine, McAllister. Implant Site Development Using Ti-Mesh and Cellular Allograft in the Esthetic Zone for Restorative-Driven Implant Placement: A Case Report from Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry (2016)36:373-381

Cochran, Cobb, Bashutski, Chun,Lin, Mandelaris, McAllister, Murakama, Rios: Emerging Renenerative Approaches for Periodontal Reconstruction: A Consensus Report from AAP Regeneration Workshop. Journal of Periodontology (2015)86: 193-196

Kolinski, Cherry, McAllister, Parrish, Pumphrey, Schroering, Evaluation of a Variable-Thread Tapered Implant in Extraction Sites With Immediate Temporization: A 3-Year Multicenter Clinical Study. Journal of Periodontology (2013).

Nevins, Kao, McGuire, McClain, Hinrichs, McAllister, Reddy, Nevins, Genco, Lynch, Giannobile Platelet-Derived Growth Factor Promotes Periodontal Regeneration in Localized Osseous Defects: 36-Month Extension Results From a Randomized,Controlled, Double-Masked Clinical Trial. Journal of Periodontology (2013).

Rosen, Clem, Cochran, Froum, McAllister, Renvert, Wang. Peri-Implant Mucositis and Peri-Implantitis: A Current
Understanding of Their Diagnoses and Clinical Implications Academy of Periodontology (2013).

Gelb, McAllister, Nummikoski, Del Fabbro: Clinical & Radiographic Evaluation of Branemark Implants with Anodized Surface Following 7 to 8 years of Funtional Loading. (2013) Journal of Dentistry (submitted).

Alveolar Ridge Augmentation with Allograft Stem Cell-Based Matrix and Titanium Mesh. McAllister BS, Eshraghi VT. Clinical Adv Periodont. 2013 Vol. 3, No. 1

Clinical applications of digital 2-D and 3-D radiography for the periodontist.
Eshraghi T, McAllister N, McAllister B.
J Evid Based Dent Pract. 2012 Sep;12(3 Suppl):36-45.

Gelb, McAllister, Nummikoski, Turkyilmaz: Clinical and radiographic evaluation of Branemark implants with a TiUnite surface. A 7 to 8 year retrospective study (2012) (submitted).

McAllister, Cherry, Kolinski, Parrish, Pumphrey, Schroering: Two-year evaluation of a variable-thread tapered implant in extraction sites with immediate temporization: A Multicenter Clinical (2012) Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants (in press).

Gonshor, McAllister, Prasad, Wallace: Histologic Evaluation of a Stem Cell Based Sinus Augmentation Procedure: Multicenter Evaluation. (2011) Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 26:123-131

McAllister. Stem Cell Containing Allograft Matrix Enhances Periodontal Regeneration. (2011) International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 31:149-155

McAllister, Haghighat, Prasad, Rohrer: Histologic Evaluation of Extraction Sockets Grafted with Platelet-Derived Growth Factor. (2010) International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 30:365-373

Nevins, Garber, Hanratty, McAllister, Nevins, Salama, Schupbach, Wallace, Bernstein, Kim : Histologic Evaluation of Sinus Grafts with Platelet-Derived Growth Factor and Anorganic Bone. (2009) International Journal of Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry 29:583-591.

McAllister, Haghighat, Gonshor: Histologic Evaluation of a Stem Cell Based Sinus Augmentation Procedure: A Case Series. (2009) Journal of Periodontology 80, 679-686.

McAllister: Scalloped Implant Designs Enhance Interproximal Bone Levels. (2007) International Journal of Periodontics and Retorative Dentistry 27:9-15.

McAllister, Haghighat: Bone Augmentation Techniques (AAP Commissioned Review), (2007) Journal of Periodontology, 7:377-396.

Sarmen, Cooke, Miller, Jin, McGuire, Kao, McClain, McAllister, Lynch, Giannobile : Effect of Platelet Derived Growth Factor on Bone Turnover During Periodontal Wound Repair, (2005), Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

Nevins, Giannobile, McGuire, Kao, Mellonig, Hinrichs, McAllister, Murphy, McClain, Nevins, Paquette, Han, Reddy, Lavin, Robert J. Genco, Lynch: Platelet-Derived Growth Factor (rhPDGF-BB) Stimulates Bone Fill and Rate of Attachment Level Gain: Results of a Large Multi-center Randomized Controlled Trial, (2005), Journal of Periodontology, 76:2205-2215.

McAllister B, Gaffaney, T: Distraction Osteogenesis for Vertical Bone Augmentaion Prior to Oral Implant Reconstruction, (2003), Periodontology 2000, 33:54-56.

McAllister B: Histologic and Radiographic Evidence of Vertical Ridge Augmentation Utilizing Distraction Osteogenesis, (2001), Journal of Periodontology, 72:1767-1779.

McAllister B, Margolin M, Cogan A, Taylor M, Hollinger J, Lynch S (1999): Eighteen Month Radiographic and Histologic Evaluation of Sinus Grafting With Natural Bone Mineral in the Chimpanzee, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 14:361-368.

Malekzadeh R, Adams D, Hollinger J, McAllister B (1998): Isolation and Amplification of Human Fetal-Derived Osteoblasts Within 3-D Constructs, Journal of Periodontology, 69:1256-1262.

McAllister B, Margolin M, Taylor M, Cogan A and Wollins J (1998): Residual Lateral Wall Defects Following Sinus Grafting with Recombinant Human Osteogenic Protein-1 or Bio-Oss in the Chimpanzee, International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, 18:227-239.

Margolin M, Cogan A, Taylor M, Buck D, McAllister T, Toth C and McAllister B (1998): Maxillary Sinus Augmentation in the Non-human Primate: A Comparitive Study Between Recombinant Human Osteogenic Protein-1 and Bio-Oss, Journal of Periodontology, 69:951-963.

Avera S, Stampley W, McAllister B (1997): Histologic and Clinical Evaluation of Resorbable and Nonresorbable Barrier Membranes Used in Maxillary Sinus Graft Containment, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 12:90-96.

Hollinger J, McAllister, B (1995): Bone and its Repair, Bioceramics 8 (eds J Wilson, LL Hench, D Greenspan), Elsevier Science Inc., New York 3-10.

McAllister B, Leeb-Lundberg F, Mellonig J, Olson MS (1995): The Interaction of EGF and PDGF with Bradykinin in Cells from Human Periodontal Tissues, Journal of Periodontology 66:429-437.

McAllister B, Walters J, Olson MS (1994): Signal Transduction Mechanisms in Mesenchymal Cells, Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine, 5:291-310.

McAllister B, Leeb-Lundberg F, Olson MS (1993): Bradykinin Receptors and Signal Transduction Pathways in Human Fibroblast: Integral Role for Extracellular Calcium, Archives in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 304:294-301.

McAllister B, Leeb-Lundberg F, Olson MS (1993): Bradykinin Inhibition of Epidermal Growth Factor- and Platelet Derived Growth Factor-Induced DNA Synthesis in Human Fibroblasts, American Journal of Physiology, 265:C477-C484.

McAllister B, Masters DH, Meffert RM (1992): Treatment of Implants Demonstrating Periapical Radiolucencies, Practical Periodontics and Aesthetic Dentistry (Implant Report 1992) 4:37-41.

McAllister B, Narayanan AS, Miki, Y and Page RC (1990): Isolation of a Fibroblast Attachment Protein From Cementum, Journal of Periodontal Research 25:99-105.

Bartold PM, Miki Y, McAllister B, Narayanan AS, Page RC (1988): Glycosaminoglycans of Human Cementum, Journal of Periodontal Research 23:13-17.
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